Saturday, August 31, 2019

Communication and Professional Relationships with Children and Young Adults

Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Introduction This unit provides the knowledge that forms the basis of effective communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults. Learners will find out how to adapt their communication to suit the age or developmental stage of the person they are interacting with. The unit also covers the legislation, policies and procedures concerned with confidentiality, data protection and the disclosure of information. Learning outcomesAfter completing this unit, learners should: 1 2 3 4 know how to interact with and respond to children and young people know how to interact with and respond to adults know how to communicate with children, young people and adults know about current legislation, policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing information, including data protection. This unit has links to the following national occupational standards. STL4 Contribute to pos itive relationships SWiS 2. 2 Explore school values, policies, roles and responsibilities CCLD 201 Contribute to positive relationshipsAdditional guidance for delivery For all sessions, it will be useful if the learners have access to school policy covering confidentiality and the grievance procedure. For session 1, you may like ask learners to research into relationships within the workplace. For session 2, you can facilitate a whole-class discussion in which learners identify someone whom they think is a good role model and give reasons for their choice. For session 3, learners can carry out some research on the Internet about communication and how to deal with conflict.They may find the websites listed helpful for this task. For session 4, you can ask a college employee to come in to discuss with the learners how their personal information is stored within the organisation and how this adheres to current legislation. Further resources Burnham, L. and Baker, B. (2010) Level 2 Cert ificate in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Candidate Handbook, Oxford: Heinemann www. talkingpoint. org. uk – Website of the charity Talking Point, which contains a wealth of information on children’s communication. ww. transformingconflict. org – A useful website from the Transforming Conflict organisation, which offers advice and training on how to deal with conflict. Continued overleaf 1  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools TDA 2. 3 Introduction continued Answers to activitiesA1 Interacting with young people and children to establish relationships Task 1 Words should appear in the following order: 1 4 trust positive 2 5 relationship high expectations 3 6 honest communicate A3 Interactions with adults How to establish professio nal relationships with adults By approaching and responding politely Be committed to cooperative working By considering the views of others Why adult relationships are important as role models for children and young people To demonstrate positive relationships To demonstrate mutual respect To model effective communicationA4 Communication Age range Younger than 2 years 2–3 years 3–4 years 4–8 years 8–16 years Adults How communication differs Vocabulary is limited. Communicating mainly through body language and by reading facial expressions. Starting to copy adults, learning more words and gaining confidence. Starting to string words together and may be using questions. Using language to build relationships. Developing reading and writing skills. Developing discussion and negotiation skills. More confident and using more complex language. Can communicate using complex language.Able to use verbal and non-verbal communication. A5 Adapting communication Task 1 Different ideas – People may interpret things differently and have a different concept of what everyone should be doing Poor communication – Not passing on information and failing to agree as a team can cause problems within school Different personalities – Everyone is different and sometimes, despite the best efforts, certain individuals just cannot get along A6 Legislation Data Protection Act (1998) – Legislation that ensures pupils’ personal information is locked away or password-protected if stored on computers.Confidentiality – Safeguarding all pupil information and ensuring that the people you are sharing information with are authorised to receive it. Disclosing information – When information has to be shared with outside agencies, for example, when neglect or abuse is suspected. A7 Sharing information Words should appear in the following order: 1 5 confidential special 2 6 authorised shared 3 7 personal staff 4 medical 2  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. Overview of resources continued Overview of resources: TDA 2. Link to Functional Skills Link to textbook Resources Delivery notes 1 Know how to interact with and respond to children and young people English: Speaking, listening and communication A1 Interacting with children and young people to establish relationships Task 1 of this activity asks learners to discuss how they establish relationships with children and young people in their work setting; they then complete a fill-the-gaps exercise. Task 2 asks learners to answer two questions about disagreements and adapting communication depending on the situation. A2 Own behaviourThis activity requires learners to complete two spider diagrams by giving examples of how their own behaviour can promote interactions with children and young people or impact negatively upon them. 2 Know how to interact with and respond to adults A3 Interacti ons with adults In this activity, learners are asked to consider how they establish professional relationships with other adults and why these relationships are important as role models for children and young people. They then summarise their thoughts by completing a table, using a list of provided statements. Know how to communicate with children, young people and adults A4 Communication This activity asks learners to consider how different age groups communicate. They are required to complete a table by selecting statements from a provided list. ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information English: Speaking, listening and communication TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. A5Adapting communication Task 1 of this activity requires learners to matc h different communication difficulties with the correct descriptions. In Task 2, learners are asked to consider two scenarios about disagreements and explain how they will deal with them. 4 Know about current legislation, policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing information, including data protection A6 Legislation This linking lines activity asks learners to match legislation, policies and procedures with the correct descriptions. 1 Continued overleaf Overview of resources continued Resources English: Writing Delivery notesLink to Functional Skills Link to textbook A7 Sharing Information Task 1 of this activity is a fill-the-gaps exercise about the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information. For Task 2, learners discuss in groups the types of situation when confidentiality protocol must be breached; they must then write down two examples of such situations. Electronic resources PowerPoint P1 Maintaining rel ationships The PowerPoint presentation for this unit looks at how to communicate effectively with different age groups and the importance of confidentiality, including data protection.It is best used by looking at the relevant slides in each session of the scheme of work, but can be worked through in its entirety at the end of session 4 for learners to reflect on their learning. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. Knowledge check Interactive quiz covering learning from TDA 2. 3 for revision purposes, designed to be completed individually by learners (e. g. via a VLE) or as a group in a group session. Continued overleaf Scheme of work continued Scheme of work: TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Activiti es and resources You may like to begin this session with a discussion about how to interact with children and young people. Then split the group into smaller groups to complete Activity A1. PowerPoint P1 slides 2, 3 and 4 support this session. This can lead to small-group work in which learners discuss, compare and complete Activity A2 on how their own behaviour promotes effective interactions or negatively impacts children and young people. Session numberLearning outcomes/Assessment criteria Functional Skills English: Speaking, listening and communication 1 Learners will know how to interact with and respond to children and young people. They will know how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and young people and will be able to describe, with examples, how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s stage of development. Learners will also be able to describe how to deal with disagreements between children and young people and how thei r own behaviour can promote effective interactions with children and young people or impact negatively upon them. 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3, 1. 4) You may like to have a class discussion about establishing positive relationships with adults and why these are important for children and young people to witness. PowerPoint P1 slides 5 and 6 support this session, as does Activity A3. 2 Learners will know how to interact with and respond to adults. They will be able to describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with adults and the importance of these relationships as role models for children and young people. (2. 1, 2. ) You may like to begin this session by looking again at PowerPoint P1 slide 2 and instigating a discussion about adapting communication to suit a person’s stage of development. You may then like to follow this with Activity A4. You can consolidate the activity sheet by pairing learners and giving each pair a different age range and then encouraging the m to communicate in a way more suited to that age. For Activity A5, learners can work independently and research or use reflection to complete the tasks. PowerPoint P1 slide 7 supports this activity.See the Further resources section for suggested websites to help learners with their research for this session. ICT, Developing, presenting and communicating information English: Speaking, listening and communication TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. 3 Learners will know how to communicate with children, young people and adults.They will be able to describe how communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development, as well as the main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with childre n and young people. Learners will be able to identify examples of communication difficulties that may exist and describe how to adapt communication to meet different needs. They will also be able to describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and children and young people, or between the practitioner and other adults. (3. 1, 3. 2, 3. 3, 3. 4, 3. 5) 1 Continued overleafScheme of work continued Session number Activities and resources You may like to begin this session with a discussion or research opportunity looking at the legislation that covers confidentiality and data protection. Activity A6 and PowerPoint P1 slide 8 will support this. For Activity A7, ask the learners to work in small groups to discuss and consider the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults of the limits of confidentiality. If there is an opportunity near the end of the session, go through the whole of PowerPoint P1, giving learners time to consider and answer the reflecti ve questions on the last slide.As a group, or on an individual basis, ask the learners to complete the Interactive Knowledge Check to finish the unit. English: Writing Learning outcomes/Assessment criteria Functional Skills 4 Learners will know about and be able to identify current legislation, policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing information, including data protection. They will be able to describe the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults about the confidentially of shared information and the limits of this.They will also know the kinds of situations when confidentiality protocols must be breached. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. (4. 1, 4. 2, 4. 3) 2 Continued overleaf Unit 2. 3 Communication and professional rela tionships with children, young people and adults AC: 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3 FS: English: Speaking, Listening and communication 2. A1: Interacting with children and young people to establish relationships Task 1 In small groups, discuss how you establish respectful and professional relationships with children and young people. Then, fill in the gaps in the following paragraph using the words from the box below. When working with children or young people, it is important to earn their to enable a positive Hold to develop. This can usually be done by and fair at all times. values and attitudes, and ensure that you have ensuring that your behaviour is professional, of the pupils that you support.Adapt the way in which you to suit the age or stage of development that a pupil is currently at. communicate high expectations positive relationship honest trust Task 2 In groups, consider the following questions and write your answers in the spaces below. 1 How do you deal with disagreements between children and young people? Include an example from your work setting when you have had to this (please do not include any names of pupils or the school). 2 How would you have adapted the way that you behaved in the above situation if the child or young person was in reception class or in Year 6?Functional Skills English: Reading – You could use the text book to help you find the information you need to match the expected stage of development to the reason why the child may not have reached it. 1  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults AC: 1. 4 2. 3 A2: Own behaviour In small groups, discuss how your own behaviour can promote effective interactions with children and young people or impact negatively upon them.Write your answers on the spider diagrams below. Showing an open, friendly approach How your own behaviour can pr omote interactions Upsetting people with your body language How your own behaviour can impact negatively upon interactions 1  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults AC: 2. 1, 2. 2 2. 3 A3: Interactions with adults Consider how you establish professional relationships with other adults.Think about why these adult relationships are important as role models for children and young people. Complete the table below using the statements in the boxes. How to establish professional relationships with adults How positive relationships with other adults can provide important role models for children and young people Demonstrate positive relationships Demonstrate mutual respect Be committed to cooperative working Consider the views of others Approach and respond politely Model effective communication 1  © The TA College 2010 under licen ce to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. TDA 2. Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults AC: 3. 1, 3. 2 2. 3 A4: Communication FS: ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information The way that we communicate will differ depending on the age of the person we are communicating with. Complete the table below, using the statements in the boxes, to show how communication differs across age ranges. Age range Younger than 2 years How communication differs 2–3 years 3–4 years 4–8 years 8–16 years Adults Developing discussion and negotiation skills. More confident and using more complex language. Vocabulary is limited.Communicating mainly through body language and by reading facial expressions. Starting to string words together and may be using questions. Can communicate using complex language. Able to use verbal and nonverbal vommunication. Using language to build relationships. Deve loping reading and writing skills. Starting to copy adults, learning more words and gaining confidence. Functional Skills English: Speaking, listening and communication – You could complete this activity in pairs verbally in the form of an interview. Take it in turns to play the role of the interviewer and then the person being interviewed.This is a good way of developing your speaking, listening and communication skills. 1  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults AC: 3. 3, 3. 4, 3. 5 2. 3 A5: Adapting communication FS: English: Speaking, listening and communication Occasionally, communication difficulties can occur. In such situations, it is important to continue to behave in a respectful and professional manner. Draw a line to match each possible communication difficulty to the correct description.Everyone is different and sometimes, despite the best efforts, certain individuals just cannot get along. Not passing on information and failing to agree as a team can cause problems within school. People may interpret things differently and have a different concept of what everyone should be doing. Different ideas Poor communication Different personalities Task 2 Read the following scenarios and record your answers in the spaces below. Scenario A There is a disagreement between one of your colleagues and a pupil and the situation is getting worse. What will you do and how will you adapt the way you communicate with them?Scenario B There is a disagreement between two of your colleagues and the situation is getting worse. What will you do? Functional Skills ICT: Developing, presenting and communicating information – You could complete this table on the computer. Add an extra column on the right with the heading ‘How I would support these transitions’ and write how you would support a child with these transitions. 1  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults AC: 4. 2. 3 A6: Legislation It is important to know the legislation, policies and procedures that cover data protection, confidentiality and the sharing of information. Draw a line to match each legislation or school procedure to the correct description. Safeguarding all pupil information and ensuring that the people you are sharing information with are authorised to receive it Data Protection Act (1998) Confidentiality Legislation that ensures pupils’ personal information is locked away or password-protected if stored on computers Disclosing informationWhen information has to be shared with outside agencies, for example, when neglect or abuse is suspected 1  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopyi ng permitted. TDA 2. 3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults AC: 4. 2, 4. 3 2. 3 A7: Sharing information Task 1 FS: English: Writing In small groups, discuss the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults that you will keep shared information confidential and the limits of this. Then fill in the gaps in the following paragraph using the words from the box below.As a learning support practitioner, you will come into regular contact with information. You may need to reassure parents and other adults that the information that you are confidential. Pupil records that hold their of birth, home address and to know will be kept information, date details are important for you to have access to in an emergency, but they must remain locked away otherwise. You may need to know other information about the pupil, such as their current assessment level or if they have any This information must remain confidential and can only be betwee n authorised authorised personal members. onfidential medical shared special staff educational needs. Task 2 As a group, consider situations when the rules about confidentiality must be broken. Write two examples of these situations in the spaces below. 1 2 Functional Skills English: Reading – You could develop your reading skills by using your textbook to select the relevant information you need to help you to answer these questions. 1  © The TA College 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted. Communication and Professional Relationships with Children and Young Adults Communication and professional relationships with children. Outcome 2: Know how to interact and respond to adults Outcome 3: Know how to communicate with children, young people and adults 2. 12. 23. 23. 33. 4| Whether at work, home, in education or in social environments, respectful relationships with other humans are at the heart of good communications. We all learn from example and experience, so it is extremely important that adults working with young people develop and display respect for each other as well as for the young people in their care.A good baseline for a professional and respectful attitude is to acknowledge and accept that everyone is different. By understanding and valuing these differences, rather than assuming that we all share the same values and opinions, we demonstrate that we are aware of our colleagues as individuals with different personalities, teaching styles, cultural practices, experiences and backgrounds. All adults and learners should be valued for thi s. We should recognise the competence and experience of all people we work with and expect ours to be acknowledged too.If we can offer help to less experienced colleagues or seek help from more experienced or better qualified members of staff, we will be expressing respect for each other. Differences of opinion and working styles are bound to occur but communicating honestly and seeking peer feedback will help minimise misunderstandings and conflict. We should endeavor to support each other to develop a working and learning environment that promotes self-esteem and growth and allows challenges and conflicts to be resolved by negotiation and compromise.Young people will have a number of significant adults in their life – some may impact negatively, some positively, on their ability to communicate effectively with adults in different settings. In an educational establishment therefore, if we display consistent, respectful and professional communications with each other, with th e learners themselves and with parents, carers and members of the public, we are offering them positive role models. We develop our language and communication skills from birth and discover different ways of dealing with others by example and experience.If young people see and hear adults supporting each other, resolving conflict, discussing, laughing, giving opinions, listening and responding in positive ways they can use these interactions to reinforce or challenge their own experiences of the world. For example, simply using good manners and respectful language with each other in front of the young people can offer them a reference for successful interactions in other settings. If a young person’s experience of social skills does not include the tools for resolving conflict by calm, reasonable discussion – we can model it.If they do not have the tools to express their feelings positively – we can model it. By doing so, we establish a safe, nurturing and consi stent environment where positive, respectful interactions are the norm. There are of course, differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people. The main difference is the actual vocabulary used. Children start to develop communication skills from birth going through a developmental cycle of language and communication to equip them with the language and strategies to deal with adult life.However, children will develop at different rates and a 16 year old may not have the language and communication skills expected of a child from the 8 – 12 year group or visa versa, and we should be aware of this when communicating verbally or in written form with our learners. We should use words they are familiar with and understand readily, but also be careful not to talk down and be patronising. More complex vocabulary should not necessarily be avoided however, and can be incorporated with explanation as a learning opportunity.Also we should be a ware of the subject matters that we cover. Material discussed between adults may not appropriate to discuss with some learners due to their developmental age. Discussions around sensitive issues such as gender, culture and relationships will be approached differently with younger people who may not have the language or experience of an adult and we can support them when investigating these subjects with appropriate vocabulary and examples. The majority of young people communicate with peers using phrases and words which are specific to their age and friendship groups.They may also write in text or abbreviated form used to communicate via mobiles and social media. It will seem ‘odd’ or patronising for an adult to use this language with young people but gaining an understanding of meaning and context is useful in avoiding miscommunication. Difficulties in communication may also occur when a person’s body language does not mirror the spoken word. A positive and â₠¬Ëœwarm’ voice may clash with fierce eyes in the classroom. You need to mean what you say! Giving mixed messages with your body language may confuse learners.We need to be aware of the different needs of each student and not assume that all learners have the same level of communication development. Some learners may find it incredibly difficult to communicate with adults. They avoid eye-contact, will rarely participate in class activities or respond to direct questioning. We can help these learners by involving them in small groups, using non-threatening questioning techniques such as mini-whiteboards and quizzes and continually modeling safe communications with other learners.Using age appropriate vocabulary and keeping teacher talk to a minimum with short (no more than three steps), clear and precise instructions can benefit learners with dyslexia and attention problems. We can also adapt our resources and delivery styles to accommodate different needs. Student’s who se first language is not English, may need vocabulary crib sheets and simplified texts, learners with hearing or sight impairments may benefit from being seated in the room.In conclusion, to establish effective communication with young people, we need to be aware of their different developmental stages and their specific individual needs. We need to acknowledge that they may not yet have the skills to allow them to communicate with adults and with each other successfully and that we assist in their development by modeling respectful and professional relationships with our colleagues and with them at all times. |

Friday, August 30, 2019

Post Partum Depression Essay

ABSTRACT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Every woman who becomes a mother has their own reasons of being happy after giving birth to a child. The first days of a child in their arms seems to be the greatest gift that they have ever received in their entire lives. However, things at times turn out uneasily different as the view of the mother to her new born child and at times even towards her husband changes. At some point, she treats the people visiting her in a wrong manner. Being overly anxious about things and extremely depressed in either the morning or the evening becomes her usual reaction to the things happening around her. Is she going crazy? No, she is simply experiencing Post Partum Depression. It is a matter of situation by which a new mother’s hormones are unstable that her emotions are controlled by the changes that her body undergoes after giving birth to her child. This is the main issue that shall be tackled within the paper that follows.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How does one understand what Post Partum Depression really is? How is it supposed to be dealt with by the mother and by other people living around her? Is it a serious problem that needs medical treatment? How will the family members know when to ask for professional help? TO the women experiencing this particular matter of situation, how would they be able to overcome it? These are only among the few questions that shall be addressed in the paper that shall be presented herein. Through the discussions that shall be noted in this paper, the importance of addressing the matter shall be noted clearly as to how the procedures of dealing with the issue could be practically applied in actual situations. POST PARTUM DEPRESSION: Dealing With the Ups and Downs of New Motherhood Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The wonder of giving birth is something that is considered as a given gift solely to the feminine gender of the human population. However, the after effects of this particular wonder also belong solely to the women. What is it that makes giving birth a highly depressive matter for some women? This is where the issue of Post Partum Depression comes into light. Undeniably, the process of dealing with this issue is something that needs careful attention not only be the women involved in the situation but also by the people living around them. The term â€Å"postpartum depression† refers to depressive episodes following childbirth. These can occur after the birth of any child, not just the first. Depressive episodes can even follow a miscarriage or termination of a pregnancy. According to the Office on Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there is a wide range in the severity of the symptoms. Many women experience postpartum blues, or baby blues, characterized by mild sadness, anxiety, irritability, fluctuating moods, and fatigue. These blues are considered normal and are short-lived, resolving themselves without medical help within about ten days after childbirth. However, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists estimates that in 1 out of 10 new mothers, these feelings escalate and go beyond the first few days. They can even appear several months after the birth. This may be full-fledged postpartum depression, in which the feelings of sadness, anxiety, or despair are so intense that the new mother has trouble coping with her daily tasks. Additionally, between 1 and 3 new mothers in every 1,000 suffer from an even more severe form of depression called postpartum psychosis, in which the mother has delusions or hallucinations that often focus on hurting herself or her baby. This latter condition requires immediate medical attention. There is no single clearly defined cause of postpartum depression. Both physical and emotional factors seem to be involved. One physical factor may be that in the first 24 to 48 hours after delivery, estrogen and progesterone levels drop sharply, to a point lower than before conception, creating an abrupt change in the physiological state of the body. This may trigger depression in much the same way as mood swings and tension are triggered before menstrual periods. The level of hormones produced by the thyroid may also drop after childbirth. This could result in symptoms that mimic depression. For these reasons researchers are calling PPD a â€Å"biochemical and hormonal disorder.† Interestingly, one medical newsletter suggests that postpartum depression may be caused by a nutritional imbalance, perhaps a B-complex deficiency. Fatigue and lack of sleep can also play a role. Says Dr.  Steven I. Altchuler, a psychiatrist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, U.S.A.: â€Å"In the period shortly after childbirth, lack of energy and an inability to sleep may make minor problems seem much more major. Some women might be frustrated to find that they have difficulty coping with things that they had handled well before delivery, without the baby blues, and with a full night’s sleep.† Emotional factors such as an unplanned pregnancy, a premature birth, loss of freedom, concern about attractiveness and lack of support can also add to depression. Additionally, there are several common myths about being a mother that can contribute to a woman’s feeling depressed and feeling that she is a failure. These include the idea that motherhood skills are instinctive, that bonding should be immediate, that the baby will be perfect and never fussy, and that the new mother should be perfect. In real life this is not the case. Mothering skills need to be learned, bonding often takes time, some babies are easier to care for than others, and no mother is perfect or a super mom. Obviously from this particular overview of the situation, post partum depression stands as a common thing that is experienced by women who have given birth to young infants. As common as it is, the situation is indeed something that could be dealt with conscientiously. Through the process of understanding the situation towards the process of making amends with the person dealing with the dilemma, the problem with Post Partum Depression could be won. Methodology and Result Presentation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To understand how women affected by Post partum Depression react towards the problem, the researcher of this paper decided to interview at least 20 women who have just given birth with at least three days from the actual delivery of their babies. This interview-survey has been delivered by the researcher to finally give a lighter view of the dilemma that women deal with after giving birth to their infants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The interviewees consisted of both first time mothers and experienced mothers alike so as to set the matter of differences and similarities between the cases that needs concern in the issue of dealing with PPD [Post Partum Depression]. Until recently, postpartum depression was often not taken seriously. Dr.  Laurence Kruckman points out: â€Å"Women’s mental health issues have been overlooked and labeled in the past as hysteria, not worthy of concern. The American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic manual (DSM  IV) has never fully acknowledged the presence of postpartum illness, and as a result, doctors have not been educated about it nor has reliable data been obtained. .  .  . And unlike 30 years ago, mothers often go home from the hospital within 24 hours. Most postpartum psychoses, blues and some depression occur within three to 14 days following birth. So the mothers are already at home and not screened by professionals who know the symptoms.† However, according to Dr.  Carol E. Watkins of the Northern County Psychiatric Associates in Baltimore, Maryland, if left undiagnosed or untreated, postpartum depression can lead to long-term depression and difficulty in bonding with the baby. Depressed mothers may passively ignore their baby’s needs or, conversely, lose control and use physical punishment to discipline their infants. This can negatively affect the cognitive and emotional development of the child. For example, an article in the journal American Family Physician suggests that young children of depressed mothers perform more poorly on cognitive tests than those of mothers who were not depressed. Additionally, postpartum depression can adversely affect the other children and the husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore the results of the interview-survey used in this research yielded the following diagrammatic presentations. To understand the issue clearly, the illustrations are to be presented as follows: The Elements of POST PARTUM DEPRESSION: DIAGRAM 1:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Explanation:   From the diagram noted herein, it is noticeable enough that the women involved with Post Partum Depression deal with different anxieties causing the situation to worsen. Being overly anxious about not being cared about and being less treated well by the other members of the family because of the arrival of the new infant is indeed a matter of elemental factor that brings a greater pressure on the mother experiencing PDD.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is the major reason why dealing with the issue involves not only the woman or her husband alone but also the other members of the family as well. The following points are considered to be among the most effective procedures of dealing with the dilemma according to the studies that had been made under the topic of Post Partum Depression. The said points of consideration are as follows: Talk to someone about your feelings, particularly other mothers. Ask others to help you with child care, household chores, and errands. Ask your husband to share in nighttime feeding duties and household chores. Find time to do something positive for yourself, even if it is for only 15 minutes a day. Try reading, taking a walk, taking a relaxing bath. Even if you can get only one thing done in any given day, this is a step in the right direction. There may be days when you cannot get anything done. Try not to be angry with yourself when this happens.   Isolation often perpetuates depression. Get dressed, and leave the house for at least a short while each day. Fresh air and a change of scenery will do you and your baby a lot of good. These particular patterns of dealing with the situation needs to be carefully understood by the person themselves. This means that the adjustment must come from the mother herself. What can be done? Do you just have to tough it out? It is comforting to know that postpartum depression has been found to be both temporary and treatable. While rest and family support may be all that is needed for mild symptoms, the key sign that medical attention is necessary is if the depression disrupts your ability to function, says the Office on Women’s Health. Common treatments are antidepressant medication, talking with a mental-health expert, hormone treatment, or a combination of these, depending upon the severity of the case. Kangaroo, or skin-to-skin, care of the baby may also lessen maternal depression. There are also such alternative treatments as herbs, acupuncture, and homeopathic remedies. However, there are some things that you can do personally to cope. These include eating a nutritious diet (including fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain cereals); avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and sugar; exercising in moderation; and taking a nap when your baby is asleep. Since a major factor in postpartum depression is lack of proper rest, other people can help by assuming some of the household chores and sharing in child care. Studies show that far less postpartum depression occurs where the extended family rallies around to provide support and instruction. Many times a person can be of great assistance by just being a sympathetic listener, giving the new mother reassurance, and avoiding criticizing or judging. Remember, PPD is a physical disorder and is not self-induced. As the organization Postpartum Education for Parents points out, â€Å"a woman cannot ‘pull herself together’ any more than she could if she had the flu, diabetes, or heart disease.† From the foregoing, it can be seen that although the postpartum period can be a wonderful time for new mothers, it can also be stressful. Understanding it can help us to give the support new mothers need. The Use of Hoe Massage Therapy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Every massage therapy is supposed to make close amends with the situation of the persons being affected by post partum depression. A touch therapy such as that of massage could play a great help for those suffering from the dilemma. Undoubtedly, the Hoe massage therapy which is a Japanese originated massage procedure is sure to make a sufferer of post partum depression feel relaxed as it rejuvenates the being of a person through natural scents and aroma therapy altogether. The holistic process of massaging the body would make the patient feel relived and rejuvenated to face another day of turmoil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In short, the hoe massage is an undoubted process that is now being applied to most patients undergoing the effects of Post Partum Depression. Such patients who have   experienced this massage have given considerable reactions that they were certainly given the best approach of healing that they could ever imagine through the Hoe Massage Therapy applied on them for several weeks and even months. They even said that when they feel stressful, even when the postpartum dilemma is over, they resort to how massage therapy just the same to calm things down and bring their spirit to a renewed state. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Understanding Post Partum Depression is a vital part in dealing with the dilemma that new mothers mostly deal with. The after birth depression among new mothers, both first time and non-first-timers have naturally brought problems to new families. Not understanding the situation underlying this particular matter would make things certainly confusing as the mother would naturally require the same level of attention that is further given by the father or other members of the family to the newly born infant. Scheduling activities and providing further assistance with that of the relaxing time of the mother should be given close attention by the family members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Understandably, Post Partum Depression is a matter of situation that could be dealt with through the application of full control of the situation with ample patience and understanding from the people involved. Constant understanding of the situation with the application of the necessary measures needed to treat the dilemma should be well viewed so as to bring fine results to the mother of the child and the other family members as well. Through this, the development of the dilemma could be expected to yield fine results on the part of the woman or the mother overcoming the dilemma brought about bu Post Partum Depression. References: Appleby, Louis, Rachel Warner, Brian Faragher, and Anna Whitton. A Controlled Study of Fluoxetine and Cognitive-Behavioural Counseling in the Treatment of Postnatal Depression. British Medical Journal. 314.n7085. 932-937   Appleby, Louis, Rachel Warner, Brian Faragher, and Anna Whitton. A Controlled Study of Fluoxetine and Cognitive-Behavioural Counseling in the Treatment of Postnatal Depression. British Medical Journal. 314.n7085. 932-937 Appleby, Louis, Rachel Warner, Brian Faragher, and Anna Whitton. A Controlled Study of Fluoxetine and Cognitive-Behavioural Counseling in the Treatment of Postnatal Depression. British Medical Journal. 314.n7085. 932-937 Fray, Kathy: â€Å"Oh Baby†¦Birth, Babies & Motherhood Uncensored†, pages 364-381, Random House NZ, 2005

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Identity Formation Essay

Identity formation is a universal term for young girls and boys who are trying to create themselves once they have that self awareness concept. There are many experiments that show media, peer pressure, and environmental factors contribute towards alternating a person’s identity. Natural observation and the longitudinal study can show the changes that form when a person encounters a social environmental factor that can alter their own identity which; it could be through friends, pressure to fit in, or celebrity envy. Two research methods that would prove to show that media, peer pressure, and social environmental factors do influence identity formation would be studying a participant over a long period time and studying a person in a natural setting with out them knowing. For example doing a longitudinal study on a participant will show the influences of different factors that will have on a certain participant through out their development. Doing this kind of research method will show the progress of changes in that participant’s life and will show the researcher the affect it has on her or his identity development. For example a young girl who always watches celebrities through out her childhood and into her teen years will show an affect on her identity rather then someone who is taught on real life and how people are suppose to look like or act. â€Å"Adolescents who watched music videos were more likely to recognize and relate to the socially competent behaviors demonstrated in the music videos than to the negative images or entertainment only value of the video (Te’Neil Lloyd 2000). † Using a natural setting can show researchers if participants act differently in real life after watching certain movies or shows. Without the participant knowing they are being studied they will show a natural behavior and most likely send out a false identity after being exposed to those social media factors. The downside about using these two research methods can be both participants can drop out anytime they want. Such as using the longitudinal study the young participant can drop out of the study anytime of his/her life. To make sure this study is ethical is to have a parent’s permission for their child to participate in this study over their entire development span. For the natural setting observation study the researchers cannot talk to whoever they are observing which can lead to involvement towards the study and interrupting the natural behavior. To make sure this type of research study is ethical is to not use names and make sure other people cannot find these participants in their community. Or they can tell their participants that they want to observe them, but not tell them when and do the observation randomly. Overall identity formation can be manipulated at anytime in the child’s development stages; media, magazines, and their own peer group can change how they view themselves. Using a natural setting for observation, and longitudinal study can show researchers that social factors and environmental factors can influence identity formation. Overall social media, celebrity shows, and environmental factors have a heavy impact on our lives each day. Many young girls and boys try to find their own medium with all these barriers to overcome with trying to fit in at school or watching TV shows that show unrealistic behaviors and appearances for the real world. â€Å"Teenaged adolescents watch more movies than any other segment of the population. More than 4 million adolescent girls monthly purchase magazines such as Seventeen and Sassy (Evans et aL, 1991), and three-fourths of white females aged 12-14 read at least one magazine regularly (Klein et al. , 1993). Add to this videos, books, and newspapers, and the total amounts to a significant part of the daily experience of adolescents (Jensen Arnett 1995). † This fact shows many girls and boys are exposed to a lot of media, gossip magazines and movies that many people envy for their life and identity to be like.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cultural Awarness on Venezuela Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural Awarness on Venezuela - Essay Example Apart from its stunning scenery, Venezuela moreover is abundant with natural wealth that the rest of the worldwide public is hurried to get at. Inappropriately latest bullying to the land-living, folks, and administration have overpowered the republic into close devastation (Duarte et al). Venezuelas countrywide populace is almost comparable to that of most other South American nations, with a blend of primary aboriginal inhabitants, a huge Spanish arrival, and noteworthy residents of African descent. There have also been distinguished Latin American and European immigrations in the past two epochs. Even with these diverse inhabitants, conversely, Venezuela has one of the greatest established state identities in the landmass. This state firmness is almost certainly due to dual factors: Venezuela has an enormously lesser fashionable manifestation of native groups to challenge the national solidity, and secondly up until the 1990s Venezuela boasted an unbelievably sturdy national budget. Venezuela has a federalist government, which comprises of policymaking, jurisdictive, and legal branches. The policymaking branch is led by a generally chosen president who remains in power for five years. The jurisdictive branch encompasses Congress that is separated into a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate. The Chamber of Deputies mirrors the nations provincial picture, whereas the Senate comprises of two legislatures from every state and the capitals centralized locality. Venezuelas uppermost justice body is that of the Supreme Court, whose fellows are picked out by the legislative body of Assembly. The Venezuelan military contains an expected eighty thousand fellows alienated into the army, air force and navy. The country has by tradition upheld stumpy levels of security expenses, be an average of only 1.5 percent of its GDP. Venezuela has had enduring significant skirmishes with adjacent Colombia and Guyana, which further heightened in the 80s. From the time

Project management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Project management - Research Paper Example A project is not a routine task, it is a certain set of functions designed to achieve a particular goal. Sometimes the project team involves people who usually do not work together; they are acquired from different departments, different organizations & different localities. In simple terms, Project Management involves a temporary group activity. Project Management is related to the application of knowledge, techniques & skills to complete a project efficiently & effectively. It is a strategic decision by the organization to enhance their competencies by tying the project outputs to the organization’s objectives. Previously project management referred to the collection of project data & metrics for evaluation & then accordingly making changes to increase efficiency & productivity. For the past decades, this area of management have become quite popular within the corporate world because of the following reasons- ( 2) The average salary of a project manager is quite hi gh in comparison to the managers of other domain. Every year, a huge amount is spent for the purpose of accomplishing various projects. Lately, project management has been included as a subject of study in various educational institutes. It acts as a control mechanism for various projects. Project management helps in controlling the human capital, budget, quality, resources, time frames & communication. Project Life Cycle Projects always have a starting date & an ending date which means just like products, projects also have a definite life cycle that starts with the starting date & ends with the ending date. The diagram shows the different phases of a project life cycle- ( 1) Here we are given a particular business case where we have to modify the present structure of the University into a Wi-Fi enabled campus. We need to replace all computers & introduce iMacs for the classroom. Also we are required to complete the job within the month of June as the research woul d start from July onwards. We need several staffs for this purpose. Selection of the appropriate option for the given business case The appropriate solution that has been selected for the business case is requesting financial aid from the government as it is a reliable source of funds. On the basis of this option we are going to discuss further about this case with the help of the A3 tool. The context of Toyota can be considered while exploring the concept of A3. The managers of the company implement a tool called A3 that is named keeping in mind the internationally accepted paper size.A3 consists of a series of boxes arranged in a template. The boxes include the operations in the following order- 1. To establish the context of the business & the importance of a specific issue 2. To define the present status of the problem 3. To identify the desired outputs 4. To analyze the circumstances to ascertain causality 5. To offer countermeasures 6. To establish an action plan 7. To chalk o ut the follow-up process This method helps the managers to train others regarding the analysis of the root-cause & channel them towards scientific thinking. This is a tool for constant improvement & learning. We are required to use one management tool for the current business case & we would consider applying the A3 framework.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Micro economics homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Micro economics homework - Assignment Example es like Iceland, Japan, and Norway may end-up continuously and excessively kill endangered species like the humpback and the fin whales either for scientific research and/or commercial purposes (McCurry; Sea Shepherd Conservation Society b, c). The farmers can easily breed chicken but not whales. During the breeding period, the farmers can just put a rooster and hens inside a cage for several days and allow the hens to sit on their eggs while on the nests (Lyons, Collier and Silvy). After a short span of more than 21 days, the farmers can already expect the eggs to hatch (Loch, de Oliveira and de Silva). Even though the birth of twins is possible, Day revealed that â€Å"most females will only give birth to one calf at a time† as compared to multiple eggs in the case of the chicken. Furthermore, it usually takes a longer period of time (between 11 to 17 months) before a female whale can give birth (Day). This explains why the farmers can easily increase the supply of chicken but not the supply of whales. Earlier, it was mentioned that most whales are killed either for scientific research and/or commercial purposes. Considering the differences between the breeding period requirements of chicken and whale, a significant increase in demand for whales would definitely mean an increased risk of endangering the whale species. The Sea Shepherd’s attempt to cut short of Nisshin Maru’s whaling season does not always lead to lower revenue on the part of the whaling company not unless there is a strict government intervention with regards to its selling price. To be able to clearly understand this argument, one has to be clear that a whale is not a homogenous product wherein the buyers could easily find an alternative product (Tewari and Singh 165). Since whales are considered as heterogeneous or differentiated products, the whaling company has the advantage to dictate the market prices of whale products. Based on a simple micro-economic explanation, it is the supply

Monday, August 26, 2019

YOUR FIRST DRAFT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

YOUR FIRST DRAFT - Essay Example Illegal immigration is one of such possible threats because of its unmonitored nature that offers avenues for criminals’ illegal entry into the states. The criminals who could be escaping legal systems from their countries are likely to engage in criminal activities once they are in the United States. People with criminal intentions such as terrorism may also resort to illegal immigration to avoid identification as they enter the nation. The department however ensures its efficiency in managing the nation’s borders as a measure to controlling illegal immigration. It has implemented three measures to facilitate management of illegal immigration with special interest in preventing potential threats to America’s security. Deployment of skilled personnel in different countries in order to identify people who intend to enter the United States through fraud is one of the approaches to re-enforce borders. The department also ensures strict identification process of indi viduals travelling to the nation. International sharing of immigrants’ biometric data for identifying trends in fraudulent immigration, and people who pose threats to countries is another strategy that has been implemented by the department. Apart from the security threat, illegal immigration burdens the nation’s resources and increases competition for resources and economic opportunities against citizens. The immigrants are, however, also a source of different types of labor that are scarce in America. The fact that the immigrants are a potential threat to national security however undermines their potential economic contributions and strict measures should be taken to screen their entry into the nation. Some laws such as sanctuary policies have been developed, locally, to protect immigrant’s rights (Kenney, 2010; DHS, 2013). The department, in addition to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Based on the readings, what do you see as the biggest obstacles to Essay

Based on the readings, what do you see as the biggest obstacles to development of poorer nations What can be done about it - Essay Example development in these countries can be divided into four categories: Natural Resources, Human Capital, Poor Infrastructure, and institutional factors.2 However, the difference between the developing and the developed world lies in the human, physical and the socioeconomic environments of the nations in question. This paper has used different theories of development to explain the obstacle to development experienced by poor countries. Most of the poorer countries have inadequate resources including the fertile land. Availability of the resources can bring an increase in the productivity of the economy. In most developing nations, there is shortage of land due to the high population. Lesser land leads to significant fall in cultivation which is the main source of income in the poor nation. This in turn leads to the fall on the nations’ productivity known as the Gross Domestic Products.3 The situation is even worse since these countries have not tapped the technological practices in their productivity. According to the Exogenous Growth theory lack of technology makes it hard for a country to develop. Technology acquisition enables high production per unit of a natural resource like land when it comes to agriculture.4 The land in most of the developing nations is also so much fragmented due to socioeconomic issues such as passing the land to the next generation and the attempt by government to ensure equitable distribution of resources in these areas. It is good to understand that most of these nations over- depends on land which is the backbone of the developing world economy. There is therefore much tension when it comes to land issues.5 Most of the Sub Saharan African countries have vast natural resources that include oil and gold. This line of argument is in agreement with the Exogenous Growth Theory that the problem comes in the identification and affordability of technology that would help in the discovery of mineral deposits.6 This has led corrupting during

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Handel's Influence on Beethoven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Handel's Influence on Beethoven - Essay Example In the same, he paid a visit to England and performed with success his opera Rinaldo. In 1727, he became a citizen of England and made London his permanent home. While in England he composed in Italian style and at the same time, he incorporated the English choral music. As the musical director for a number of organizations between 1719 and 1734, he became the leading director and composer of Italian operas in London ( 1). His operas are based on the stories about historic heroic figures, fantasies, and light anti-heroic works and they include Tamerlano in 1724, Serse in 1738 and other operas. He is well known for his English oratorios composition than the Italian operas. The Messiah (1741) is the widely performed and most influential oratorio. He is well known for his tremendous contributions to the secular vocal music, instrumental music of different types (in particular concerto), and English church music ( 1). Handel is well known as a great composer in the Baroque age (1600 – 1750); it is a period that was characterized by elaborate and long music that frequently needed many singers. He is also well-known for his English oratorios. An oratorio is an opera that lacks scenery and costumes. A number of his oratorios were and are still being performed as church music in countries that speak English around the world. He was also a master of Italian-type operas and wrote a number of scores for the instruments. Handel was an extensive artist; he combined Italian, English, French and German musical traditions to compose his works. In the years (1706 -1710) he spent in Italy, he was exposed to the best of oratorio, chamber cantata, opera and instrumental forms of sonata and concerto. By studying and playing with the greatest Italy musicians and composers, Handel transformed his raw talent into a polished style from a composer. Handel broke from the traditional music rules in order to make a dramatic impact (

Friday, August 23, 2019

Plato's Idea that Justice Is a Condition of the Soul Essay

Plato's Idea that Justice Is a Condition of the Soul - Essay Example Even though this monarch has supreme power, he does not agree to rule because of love for power (Irwin 1999, p.67). It is because of knowledge of the Good that the monarch will focus on doing what he or she does best for the benefit of the whole community. An ideally just state has classes of citizens in which every class has its suitable virtue. Ideal guardians have courage, ideal rulers rule wisely, and ideal producers are calm. Each class of citizens performs the type of work which best suits them and never interferes with proper business for citizens in other classes. To Plato, in an individual’s soul, justice entails being governed by that component of the soul that has the best capacity to rule other parts of the soul that is reason. It is for the reason that, only reason can attain knowledge due its love for truth. However, it can be oppressed and overwhelmed by powerful wishes which have enslaved the spirited part. The other parts of the soul include desire or appetite and spirit, which do not function with the aim of obtaining knowledge, rather aims at its own good. The spirit controls, initiates actions, and persists one’s actions. It also makes decisions and choices, while appetite focuses on attaining necessities of the body. Spirit however, cannot decide wisely unless it is notified by the coherent part of the soul on the best thing to do in a situation. Most importantly, when an individual’s soul is governed by their reason and they are wise, they will never do wrong, since the spirited element of their soul will automatically side with the rational part. The basic idea of the soul in Plato’s work provides that it is a component that can initiate motion, needless to be moved by anything else (Nehamas 2000, p. 98). A search for the meaning of justice would ultimately lead to two meanings: Justice is doing personal job precisely, and Justice is harmony. The overall aim of Plato’s idea that justice is a condition of the soul is to give a defense of justice through showing that an in individual is better off when he is just than when he is unjust. This brings out well-known criticisms on the above defense. First, it commits a fallacy of irrelevance, providing citizens with the incorrect reason for being just. Despite a barrier that Plato puts in his own way, he possesses answers to all these criticisms. The answers commit him to a view much similar to the intuitionism forms that were held earlier in past centuries. Consequently, it makes it uncertain that Plato should be taken to embrace an agent-centered rather than an act centered justice theory. Moreover, it leaves him to face criticisms parallel to those raised against the latter forms of intuitionism (Rosen 2005, p. 186). Plato’s description of justice as every part carrying out its part of balance is satisfying, but most significantly, they must be all balanced. Such balance is not illustrated well in Platonic ideas. We must apprec iate the body, the mind, and the spirit equally, since none is more important than the other so that we can achieve happiness and justice, which will finally create good life. His believe that just life is natural and should come from man’s fulfillment of his natural function imply some design to the world, which may not be so practical. There is no perfect objective reality, neither is there natural purpose or end to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Epitome of Public Service Essay Example for Free

The Epitome of Public Service Essay The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, as Sandra McElwaine puts it, has had her stint with the news media for looking a bit more refreshed, the pseudo-acronym for plastic surgery . Pelosi’s refreshed look tells the story of a firm character and a patriot’s dedicated service to a nation with no sign of giving up characterized by the absence of veins of strain on her magnificent face. The glamorous grandma, as it is obviously illustrated with her sharp present-eyes that would pierce anyone who poses opposition for the pro-Jew democrat is magnificent despite her age with her seamless features . Pelosi comes from a family with a strong tradition in public service. Thomas D’Alessandro, Jr. , Pelosi’s father, after representing the city of Baltimore in Maryland for five congressional terms, also went on to serve as its mayor for twelve years. Thomas D’Alessandro III, her brother, followed in her father’s footsteps as he served as the city’s mayor as well. She graduated from Washington’s Trinity College in 1962 and together with her husband Paul Pelosi, they have five children: Alexandra, Jacqueline, Christine, Nancy Corinne and Paul. Pelosi has represented the eighth district of California in the United States House of Representatives. The eighth district consists most of San Francisco City which includes Chinatown, Golden Gate Park, Fisherman’s Wharf as well as many of the numerous neighborhoods adding up to San Francisco community’s vibrancy as well as prosperity. The current House Speaker has led campaigns for the increase of educational opportunities for young Americans as well as campaigns for the protection of employees. Additionally, Pelosi has been extremely vocal on legislations that promote health care, especially women’s health as well as the creation of a nationwide health-tracking-network that was aimed at assessing the connection between chronic diseases and environmental pollutants. Moreover Pelosi has also led efforts aimed at increasing investments in health as well as health related research whereupon she has secured financial support that doubled the National Institutes of Health’s budget . Together with the help of other representatives, Pelosi has prevailed against efforts aimed at reducing funding for international family planning programs. The creation of housing opportunities for individuals living with HIV/Aids ranks among Pelosi’s major legislative victories. Additionally, she has also been at the forefront of accelerating the development of an HIV vaccine as well as the expansion of access to Medicaid for individuals who have been infected by the deadly virus. Moreover, the speaker was also at the forefront in the house campaign that saw funding for Ryan White CARE Act increased. Other programs that have also seen her staunch support include the Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative in addition to other critical programs to people infected with HIV/AIDS. Her passion for improved health services to the American public has also seen her successfully increase access to health insurance for disabled Americans by way of ensuring that they are continuously covered with a healthcare policy . Moreover Pelosi was also a vehement force in the passage of legislation that saw nonprofit organizations assisted in the creation of affordable housing. As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) for the longest continuous time of service in the history of the committee (ten years) which also include two years as a Ranking Democrat, she worked to guarantee military commanders as well as policymakers access to accurate and timely intelligence critical for directing diplomatic initiatives as well as success during combat and protection of American forces. Pelosi’s service to the Public has not been limited to American soil as she has also been vocal in meetings the world over with both American as well as foreign intelligence leaders. In this regard, Pelosi has called for increased attention to the danger that America and the international community is exposed to with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction including nuclear as well as biological threats . In a move that finalized her passion for public service, Pelosi led congressional reviews of American security and intelligence agencies whereupon she authored legislation aimed at creating an autonomous national commission to examine the federal government’s performance before, during as well as after the September 11 attacks. Pelosi’s virtue and humanity is resplendent and reflective in her advocacy for human rights around the world. This is especially evident with her brutal but intelligent fights for the improvement of human rights in China, especially in the context of her tying of America’s commerce with China to the communist state’s human rights record. The peak of her human rights stints with China has to be her efforts to free Tibetans. Just as the environment and the public are two symbiotic aspects inextricably bound, Pelosi’s service to the public is not complete without shades of environmental efforts . She secured the passage of a stipulation within the International Development and Finance Act of 1989. In this act, the World Bank as well as all regional multilateral development banks is required to assess likely environmental effects of all development projects they finance. Additionally, the said institutions are required to make these assessments available publicly. This Pelosi tool has evolved as a critical tool for foreign and indigenous non-governmental organizations in the world. Work Cited Page American Power. â€Å"Nancy Pelosi: Safe Environment a Basic Human Right. American Power. Gaffney, Mark, â€Å"Who is Nancy Pelosi? Bi-partisan consensus on Americas War in the Middle East† Common Dreams (2005). Garber, Kent (2010) â€Å"Pelosi Fights for More Low Income Subsides in Healthcare. † US News World Report. McElwaine, Sandra. â€Å"Who Did Nancy Pelosis New Face? † The Daily Beast. (2009). Rosenthal, Cindy Simon and Peters, Ronald M. , â€Å"Who is Nancy Pelosi? † PS: Political Science Politics, V. 41. (2008)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Psychology and Stress Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Stress Essay In our world today there are factors that make our life a little more difficult. We all go through these frustrations every day and some more than other are affected by them. These factors come in many different forms, yet they all lay under one category, it is called stress. Stress can impact a person physically, emotionally and, may be reasonable for people’s actions out of the norm. Setting up a stress management plan is a good way to find out how to overcome this problem in our everyday lives. Stress can be addressed through finding out what type of stress it is, how it impacts our bodies, and how to deal with stress. First of all stress can be managed just by finding out what type of stress is the cause. Stress causes our bodies to react to event that can be good or bad. According to Melinda Smith, M.A., Robert Segal, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. authors of the article on Understanding Stress, explains the course our bodies take during stress. Our bodies can kick into super hero mode and take us out of danger this is called â€Å"fight or flight†. Our bodies own defenses want to save our lives by confronting the problem or getting away. This can further lead on to cause conflict in our lives. One type of stress that causes this is Acute Stress. This type of stress is cause by a full force event. This can lead to after-effects reoccurring for one month. A study was conducted by the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, People’s Republic of China, with this study consisted of analyzing acute stress. The researchers took people with acute stress and tested patients on different levels of symptoms. The study came up with a scale; six dimensions and symptoms a person my experience. The results were helpful to better assist the degree of stress a person has. Also they connected how acute stress could lead to Post Traumatic Syndrome. It’s very important to find good consisting research to be able to find the proper treatment for each person. The next step to manage stress is the impact it has on a person. How could this affect a person’s health in a positive or a negative way. An example of acute stress is a person who has experienced an earthquake afterwards has nightmares of being in the situation again. Their body is responding to emotional impact this event had on them. If we were to go back into the moment the event happened, we would be able to see how stress got this person to react and out of the situation to save their life. People go through a moments of being unstoppable like the hulk. The body gives a person strength and increase other senses to escape. That’s a good way our body response in a time of need. After the fact is when problems start, that can change a person’s life. If this problem is not addressed lead to psychological and mental issues. Stress can start with symptoms of cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral (Smith, Segal, Segal). This is why people have different be haviors out of the ordinary. Also how important it is to know how much is too much stress (Smith, Segal, Segal). Letting a person get this far can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, depression and many other issues. Lastly finding steps to manage stress is the key. Finding a good plan that works for each person is a must. For example if a person gets stuck at the end of the line at the store and is late for work can be frustrating. People have to learn see the stressors and talk their way out of it. Tell them self’s its ok, review the situation and come to decision. At the end you’re the one who gets mad and then have to get happy again. So if a person starts from the beginning there’s so much that could be avoided. Another example is the people that were in 911 that had acute stress. This event was affecting many in different forms. Seeking treatment with a psychologist would help with the ordeal. Discussing the feelings behind the event helped many overcome their acute stress. In addition a good way to overcome stress comes from the article of Stress Management Health Center. The article notes how relax a person mind by writing, show a person’s emotions, and getting busy by destructions. This type of mental health treatment focuses on reliving the tension one carries. Taking walks, keeping an exercise plan to help focus the energy in another direction, these goals are good to maintain health balanced. A person may also due mediation to easy be the body and relax the mind. They can slowly start to change their outlook on life in more positive way. This can help with so much stress one deal with on a daily bases. In conclusion stress can be managed by taking control over lives by finding out what type of stress a person has, how it affects a person, and by learning to deal with it. Learning what stress is and its affects a person’s life is very important to improving oneself. It’s also a way to target the factors that are negative and replaces them with positive ones. Working one’s health one step at a time can avoid stress that affects people every day. Also learning to relax and taking the time for one self, makes life easier on the soul. If we let stress take ownership we will never overcome it. References YEBING, Y., JINGJING, T., YUAN, J., XUFENG, L., YUNFENG, S., XIA, Z., DANMIN, M. (2011). DEVELOPMENT OF THE ACUTE STRESS RESPONSE SCALE. Social Behavior Personality: An International Journal, 39(5), 713-720. doi:10.2224/sbp.2011.39.5.713 Smith, Melinda, Robert Segal, and Jeanne Segal. Understanding Stress: Symptoms, Signs, Causes, and Effects. Expert, Ad-free Articles Help Empower You with Knowledge, Support Hope. Web. 07 Oct. 2011. Stuff. Techniques, Exercises and Therapies for Relieving Stress. WebMD Better Information. Better Health. Healthwise, 14 Oct. 2009. Web. 07 Oct. 2011.

Project Report On Wipro Limited

Project Report On Wipro Limited Scope Though Wipro Limited is a group of companies, our main focus in this report will be on the IT services business segment of Wipro Limited. IT Services account for more than 70% of Total Revenue and more than 90% of Operating Income for the Wipro Limited. Wipro Limited Wipro Limited (NYSE:WIT) is amongst the largest global IT services, BPO and Product Engineering companies. In addition to the IT business, Wipro also has a profitable presence in niche market segments of Consumer Products, Lighting, Furniture, Eco Energy, Water treatment and Hydraulics. The company has been listed since 1945 and started its technology business in 1980. Today, Wipro generates USD 6 billion (India GAAP figure 2009-10) of annual revenues. Its equity shares are listed in India on the Mumbai Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange; as well as on the New York Stock Exchange in the US. With more than 100,000 associates from over 70 nationalities and 72 plus global delivery centres in over 55 countries, Wipros products and services span financial services, retail, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare services, energy and utilities, technology, telecom and media. Wipros focus has been on business transformation with innovation in service delivery and business models. More than 800 active clients that include governments, educational institutes, utility services, and over 150 Global Fortune 500 enterprises have benefited from this approach. Strategy Wipro is in more than one line of business, so it has got a Corporate Level Strategy. This corporate level strategy has identified following business lines for Wipro. Each of the above business lines has its own Business Level Strategy. The business level strategies, that determine the products and services that each division offers and the customers it caters to, are listed for each division below. Wipro Technologies Wipro Technologies is the global IT services business division of Wipro Limited. With over 20 offices around the world, Wipro Technologies is a provider of integrated business, technology and process solutions on a global delivery platform. Wipro Infotech Wipro Infotech is the strategic IT partner for companies across India, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific offering integrated IT solutions. Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting, a business unit of Wipro Limited, has a profitable presence in the branded retail market of toilet soaps, hair care soaps, baby care products and lighting products. Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Wipro Infrastructure Engineering was Wipro Limiteds first diversification in 1975, which addressed the hydraulic equipment requirements of mobile original equipment manufacturers in India. Over the past 25 years, the Wipro Infrastructure Engineering business unit has become a leader in the Hydraulic Cylinders and Truck Tipping Systems markets in India. Wipro GE Medical Systems Limited Wipro GE Medical Systems is a joint venture between Wipro and General Electric Company. Wipro GE is Indias largest exporter of medical systems. Wipro GE manufactures Ultrasound and Computed Tomography systems in India and is a supplier for all GE Medical Systems products and services in South Asia. Now that we have the knowledge of various business units of Wipro Limited, we will analyze the strategy pursued by Wipro using Contemporary Strategy-Structure Theories. We will use following three theories to analyze the strategies of Wipro. Miles and Snows Four Strategic Types Porters Competitive Strategies Millers Integrative Framework Miles and Snows Four Strategic Types If we use Miles and Snows four strategic types to analyze Wipro, its evident that Wipro uses Analyzer strategy. It seeks to minimize risk and maximize opportunity for profit. Knowing that Cloud Computing is becoming the trend and vendors such as Amazon, Salesforce, Microsoft, and Google have invested heavily, Wipro too partnered with leading providers like Salesforce and Microsoft to provide professional and system integration services for enterprises. Wipro did so only after the risk and profits associated with cloud computing was clear to it. Wipro has the ability to respond to the lead of key prospectors. At the same time, it has maintained operating efficiency in its stable product and market areas. With enhanced business performance at the core of its deliveries due to its strong RD and Innovation focus, Wipro gets 95 percent repeat business. Its operating margin has been more than 20% in the IT Services business for last couple of years. Wipro has a structure made of components that provide it both flexibility and stability. It has clearly identifiable verticals dedicated to different industries like banking, automotive, energy, manufacturing, etc. These verticals are highly standardized and they use routine technologies for efficiency. Wipro has different RD and Practice Centers dedicated to new and emerging technologies. They provide the much needed flexibility whenever Wipro enters into new undertakings. Porters Competitive Strategies As per Porters competitive strategies, Wipro follows the differentiation strategy. It emphasizes heavily on the quality, innovation, and its technological capabilities. It is worlds first SEI CMM Level 5 Company. One of the worlds largest third party RD services provider, Wipro has been a pioneer in adopting and adapting several improvement methodologies like Lean, Six Sigma, Kaizen, etc. to further the efficiency of its processes. Wipro was the first to adopt Six Sigma in IT delivery in 1998. Lean methodology was adopted from the world-class Toyota Production System for improving the efficiency of the delivery engine in the year 2005. All these things have clearly set Wipro apart from its Indian counterpart who has been lagging behind Wipro in their RD services and highest standard of certifications. Millers Integrative Framework As per Millers Integrative Framework, Wipro fits best with the strategic dimension of marketing differentiation. Wipro draws its competitive advantage vis-Ã  -vis the other Indian IT service providers from five specific differentiators. Technological Excellence The biggest differentiator for Wipro against its Indian competitors is that Wipro entered IT services through the engineering route, given its entry into hardware in the 80s and then later to positioning itself as an engineering lab for hire to the IT multinationals that entered India in the 90s. The lab-on-hire business was eventually scaled up and today accounts for one-third of Wipros revenues, making it one of the worlds largest third party RD provider. Innovative Solutions Wipro offers its clients customized innovative technological and process solutions. In 2000, Wipro set up an Innovation Initiative with an internal innovation council, which worked like an internal venture capital fund. Today there are more 800 people working on such innovative ideas. This approach has helped the company to position itself as an innovator rather than a commodity provider of technological products. Operational Excellence Over time Wipro has come to stand for operational excellence. The commitment to quality has been a critical part of Wipros product offering. The company is very process-oriented and focused on operational excellence. Today, Wipro has built up its reputation and credibility by being a stickler for process excellence and delivering on quality commitments is a key brand benefit. Global Footprint with Emerging Market Knowledge Wipros global footprint is also an important differentiator among its Indian rivals, especially given its higher portfolio split towards emerging markets. The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region contributes to $1 billion in revenues and is considered to be a key differentiator vis-Ã  -vis Infosys. Company Culture of Linking Values to Business Performance Wipros cultural fit with its clients is also important in the self-selection process. Wipros company culture is less flashy and less aggressive than some of its Indian rivals. This culture resonates with Wipros clients in the manufacturing and retail sector who prefer a more laid-back approach at building a relationship. The companys cultural tone has been set right from the top, with Chairman Azim Premji often being quoted as saying that the brand Wipro is all about humility. We can see that above three theories, Miles and Snows Four Strategic Types, Porters Competitive Strategies, Millers Integrative Framework, clearly indicate that Wipro is practicing differentiation strategy. Structure Wipro has been constantly restructuring itself based on the differentiation strategy that it follows. It has been getting projects in different verticals like insurance, banking, securities, retail, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, consumer electronics, energy, medical devices, government, etc., so it restructures itself to deliver the projects as per customers specifications. Now, we will analyze the level of complexity, formalization, and centralization that exists in Wipro. Complexity Wipro ranks high on overall complexity. Complexity is the degree of differentiation that exists within an organization. As described earlier, Wipro operates multiple business lines and each business line has its own verticals depending on the industry it provides products and services in. Horizontal Differentiation Nature of the tasks performed by the employees of IT Business unit is different from task performed by the employees of the Infrastructure unit employees which is different from the task performed by the employees of Consumer Care Lighting unit. So, each unit requires specialized knowledge, skills, and trainings. There are more than 20 verticals in the global IT Business Unit of Wipro itself each requiring different functional and social specialization. Due to this high number of specialization, Wipro demonstrates high horizontal differentiation. Vertical Differentiation As can been seen in the figure given below, vertical differentiation is moderately high because of more levels of hierarchy. Average span in Wipro is about 5 to 6 i.e. a manager can direct 5 to 6 subordinates effectively. Spatial Differentiation Wipro has more than 72 global delivery centres in over 55 countries and it employs citizens of more than 70 nationalities. Considering this fact, it can be easily observed that Wipro ranks very high on spatial differentiation. Formalization Jobs within the Wipro are highly formalized. Employees of Wipro Technologies use Wings Within, a job portal for existing Wipro Technologies employees to look for another job within Wipro Technologies itself. Other business lines provide similar job portal for their employees. MyWipro is the intranet portal available to the employees of Wipro Technologies. Clearly defined procedures covering work processes in the organization are available on this portal. These work processes include career progression policies, financial policies, leave policies, attendance policies, timesheet information, etc. Wipro has a well established recruitment policy. Selection of employees is done by the certified interviewers. These interviewers are from the Band C or above and they have passed certain examinations to be an eligible interviewer. Talent Transformation is the training division of Wipro Technologies. It has dedicated full time trainers in almost all domains and technologies Wipro Technologies operates in. This division provides one to three months of induction training to campus recruits. It also provides training on demand. Centralization Centralization in Wipro is moderate. Each business unit in Wipro Technologies has many accounts. Each account acts as a development centre for a dedicated customer and gets a business target from its corresponding business unit. Decisions on what projects to work on are taken at the account level. Decisions on how to work on the projects are taken by the project managers, team leads, and team members. So, concentration is not at a single point in the hierarchy. So, we can see that the high complexity, high formalization and moderate centralization support the differentiation strategy of Wipro. Organizational Design Design Components These are the five basic components of the organisational design at Wipro. The Operating Core The operating core at Wipro consists of the various professional and technical experts relating to the different 24 verticals of the Wipros business. These are highly trained specialists working in various fields such as Aerospace, Automotive, Banking, Business Consumer Services, Communication Service Providers, Computer Peripherals, Computer Software, Computing, Consumer Electronics, Consumer Packaged Goods, Energy, Government Healthcare, High-Tech, Hospitality Leisure, Insurance, Manufacturing, Media, Medical Devices, Mobile Devices, Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Public Infrastructure, Retail, and Securities Capital Markets. The Strategic Apex It consists of one Chairman, 2 Executive Director Joint CEO, IT Business, 1 Executive Director CFO. And apart from this, there are 8 independent non-executive directors forming the strategic apex of the company. The Middle Line This part consists of the team of highly motivated individuals who anchor the organization to relentlessly provide world class IT and business solutions. The management team comprises global leaders, with excellent domain knowledge and across-the-board cross-functional experience, who nurture successful relationships with the client community. It includes 7 business unit heads, 8 service line heads and 6 geographical heads. The Techno Structure However, this part has very small role to play at IT Business line of Wipro but in the consumer care and other business lines of the Wipro it forms the core part, hence giving rise to machine bureaucracy type of organisational design. And here we are referring to the organisational analysis of the Wipro Technologies and Wipro Infotech. The Support Staff This part consists of the supporting functions of Wipro which handles the general management functions and administrative functions to smoothen out the working of the various business units. There are 7 functional heads under it such as technology, quality, information, financial, marketing, global delivery (logistics) and human resources. Internal Complex Clustering and Inter-Relationships At Wipro, Business divisions are highly overlapping, so the add on growth and problems arising from the uncertain environment add to the complexity of inter-relationships between these 5 components. And specially the business units (service wise and geographical), verticals in each and the functional heads are having overlapping projects and relationships are thus complex. Domination of Operating Core Analysing the various components of organisational design, we found that most of the technical capabilities to perform the various projects is with the operating core. However, the decisions flow from top but there is considerable amount of autonomy with the operating core in view of their highly specialized and professional knowledge. This is what is in the fashion or trend in the IT industry as a whole. Also it has become internally consistent and hence selected out naturally as most sustainable in the field of IT. The Organization Design (Present) The Professional Bureaucracy Professional bureaucracy fits well for Wipro Limited as a group of organization. It is consistent with its requirement of high formalisation/standardisation and moderate to low centralisation. Wipros vertical structure divides the company into units such as Telecom Service Providers, Product Engineering Solutions, Finance Solutions, and Enterprise Solutions. These units further cater to industries such as banking, insurance, securities, and so on. Each vertical is like a self-contained business. It is like a mid-sized company even by U.S. standards, because each vertical generates about $300 million in annual revenues. Though they work under a common structure, with resources such as Finance, HR, Quality and Marketing, each vertical has people who represent these functions. So, in effect, each vertical is like a separate company. There is intention to delegate more authority and responsibility to these self-contained companies. Matrix in Functional Terms (For IT Business Only) Wipros organizational design is complex and sometimes baffles outsiders. The IT business has two organizations Wipro InfoTech and Wipro Technologies. The latter handles the global business while Wipro InfoTech serves India, West Asia and Asia Pacific. In functional terms, the company has a matrix structure with three verticals and two horizontals. The verticals are the $1.06 billion technology business (which is in the product engineering and the telecom service provider space); the $1.4 billion enterprise business (targeted at manufacturing, healthcare, retail, etc.); and the $799 million financial services business. The two horizontals are the $1.1 billion global practices business (testing, package implementation and technology infrastructure services) and the $290 million BPO (business process outsourcing) operation. Major Transformations: Radical Changes and Transformation in the Organization Structure in 2005 After Mr. Vivek Paul left the company, the then CEO, the company went through major transformation process. The reorganization, tried to bring Wipros leadership closer to the customer. In the process, there was de-layering the organization and empowering business leaders with a much higher degree of PL and growth responsibility. The reorganization also brought the mainstream of the company, which is really our global technology business, closer in alignment with the original corporate staffs, which has now become our business staff. Leadership at this level speeds things up and gets decisions made faster. It empowers people more, and it allows them to further empower those who report to them, because their jobs have suddenly become much more responsible. Future Prospects for Organisational Design and Structure The 21st Century Virtual Corporation! With more supply of products and services than there is demand, the customer is in a position to demand an ever changing array of tailored products and services. In order to be successful, businesses need to be much more client centric and far more agile and flexible than ever before. Wipro is responding to this need for radical change by taking an objective approach to the matter. By lending a patient ear to clients and analyzing dozens of outperforming companies, Wipro has realized that businesses must become far more customer centric and develop a highly flexible value chain that can sense and respond with new products and services quickly as market conditions change. The changing needs of the 21st Century Virtual Corporation demands new business designs that facilitate faster and more extensive collaboration on a global scale. Given this demand, Wipros mega alliance strategy of 360Â ° relationships is a unique differentiator. Environment The environment is the set of forces surrounding an organization that have the potential to affect the way it operates and its access to scarce resources. Wipros transaction with its environment can be analyzed based on the forces in specific and general environment. Specific Environment The specific environment consists of forces from outside stakeholder groups that directly affect an organizations ability to secure resources. Forces in specific environment, that affects Wipro and how it handles these forces, are described below. Competitors As has already been described in the section on Millers Integrative Framework, Wipro draws its competitive advantage vis-Ã  -vis the other Indian IT service providers from five specific differentiators. They are technological excellence, innovative solutions, operational excellence, global footprint with emerging market knowledge, and company culture of linking values to business performance. Customers Wipros customers remain cautious after the downturn prevalent in western economy about technology spending, with budgets flat to slightly higher as they look for transformational projects. Customers are taking a lot more time making decisions than spending. A geographic breakup of Wipros revenues from customers: Wipros US based customers decision to spend less has forced Wipro to divert its effort towards some other areas like knowledge management. The company is now more focused on building technical competencies in its work force. All its employees below band C are mandatorily required to successfully clear the assessments mapped for them in a particular appraisal year. Customers are also demanding more robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for their accounts operating off shore. This led Wipro to launch an organization wide BCP revamping plan. Emphasis was more on the Banking, Finance, Securities, and Insurance (BFSI) customers as they are the most vulnerable verticals of Wipro due to the inherent nature of their businesses. For Wipro, changes in customer information technology budgets year on year ranged from flat to an increase of 4%. Company is increasingly focused on technology projects that yield long-term changes in their operations, such as cloud computing, as opposed to those that merely made existing processes more efficient. Today Customers are looking for partners versus suppliers. Wipro has started a new initiative that is aimed to build better client understanding, business alignment and consultative selling in large accounts, called the Client Engagement Manager (CEM). It has already delivered incremental growth in existing accounts and the increased sales in these accounts are a sign of the success of the initiative (rolled out in 52 key accounts). Wipro plans to move beyond the market perception of a low price bidder to occupy a position that is viewed as operating in multiple models to offer assets to clients through professional service. The company is also orienting towards providing more business value for clients, consulting led account development. Wipro is also creating Customer Satisfaction Leaders. In 2009, Wipro also undertook a key initiative to strengthen the consulting and customer management skills of our frontline employees by running an academy. The Customer Leadership team of CHRD in conjunction with Enterprise Application Services (EAS) business, in its drive to create world-class consultants launched the EAS Consulting Academy. Suppliers Distributors As Wipro diversified into different sectors it has changed its distributors and suppliers as it best suited for business development. Being an old company, having its presence in India since independence, it has developed a good network of suppliers and distributors all over the country. As the time passed by, based on the need of the business, efficiency and the nexus the company has created; it went for different strategies of distributing its products like in case of its hydraulic products, Wipro has its own dedicated department which takes care of the distribution. Similarly after 2000 when it studied the use of internet and mobile in marketing and distribution sales, it started distributing its products online especially in case of products where customers prefer online transactions over retail if available like Baby care products. The network of distributors is based on the sales of products, for example in case of Santoor soap which is more sold in Southern part of the country, the distributors network is more dense here rather than in other part of the countries. In service sector as Wipro is acting as a mediator, using mediating technology, it does not have a dedicated suppliers or distributors, but it changes with the changing parties which are being served. Product Distributor SmartLite (CFL lights) Sales and Sales Lion Industry Inc Dentsply Infant hygiene products ( Baby soft soap and diapers) (Online distributors) Farsons Marketing Company Personal Care Products (Santoor soap and talc) Wipro Consumers Care pvt Ltd (self organized distribution network) Hydraulic Products Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Ltd (self organized distribution network) Government Exchange Rate Falling exchange rate increases the exports and price of imports. Reducing the price of exports by decreasing the exchange rate makes them more attractive and competitive in export market. Hence demand for export increases. Same applies to It services industry as well. Hence by controlling exchange rate and appreciation for currency, government plays a role in dynamics of this industry. Outsourcing Policies President of USA Barrack Obama has proposed an anti outsourcing policy suggesting increasing the tax on the benefits gained from outsourcing the jobs from U.S. The idea is to provide lesser incentive to the companies to outsource their jobs. The policy mainly aims at creating and conserving jobs in US market but it has implications on Indian outsourcing industry as well. The policy will greatly affect the foreign companies that are operating in U.S. if this is applied it will mean that the foreign companies will have to pay heavy tax on the labour imported by them. WSJ and LA estimate a tax rate of 55% on foreign companies. That will be a setback for countries like India, which is the biggest player in outsourcing industry. A present slump in number of H1B visas taken up is also a reflection of the same. In the long term, it will hurt all the economies, since U.S investment is a big factor and reduced investment from U.S means reduced money in all the markets, especially India. But there is a high likelihood that comparative cost advantages that countries like India might still provide, would outweigh the loss incurred by the tax loss that the companies are going to face in the US. General Environment The general environment consists of forces that shape the specific environment and affect the ability of all organizations in a particular environment to obtain resources. Forces in general environment, that affects Wipro and how it handles these forces, are described below. Demographic and Cultural forces India Demographics Population:1,180,166,000 (2010 estimated) Age Structure: 0 14 years 31.1%; 15 64 years 63.6%; 65+ years 5.3% Languages: 14 official languages Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Sanskrit (2001 census) Literacy Rate: 61% (2001 census) Per Capita GDP: USD 2941 (2009 estimate) Labour Force: 523.5 million (2008 estimate); 60% Agriculture, 12% Industry, 28% Services Number of colleges for general education 11549; number of colleges for professional education 4991; number of universities, deemed universities and institutes of national importance 350 (HRD Ministry, 2005-06) English enjoys associate status but is the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication Wipro reflects the Indian demographics. It has a young and experienced work force having average age of 24 to 25 years. 35% of the employees are having less than one year of work experience in Wipro. Average tenure of top 100 managers in Wipro is 11 years. Its workforce comprises of 66% of university graduates. 28% of employees are having master degree. Technology The study of effect of changing technological factors in the general and specific environment of Wipro led to the following analysis: Identification of Wipro technology on the basis of various theories proposed to understand the relation between technology and the structure of organization is given below, but due to the conglomerate nature of Wipro different businesses are analyzed separately to avoid any kind of confusion: Theory Infotech Technology Consumers and lighting Infrastructure Engineering Medical System Woodward Process Process Mass Mass Process Perrow Engineering Engineering Routine Routine Routine Thompson Mediating Long-Linked Long-Linked Long-Linked Long-Linked Future Technologies Technology Adaptive strategy/Structure Development of LED technology for domestic lighting As it is already in the domestic lighting sector, Wipro can definitely take advantage of this technical development by taking the first mover advantage, by being the first company to introduce LED based lights in India. Use or development of Mobile-phone based supply chain Would support in reducing the investment in IT, especially in distribution sector Virtualization software technology for reducing the power consumption Since Wipro is trying to produce environment friendly products, it would be a landmark effort if it introduces the virtualization software technology which combines various different machines into single virtual machine running on a single powerful base system. Political Forces In the near future, the Central IT spending is projected to grow positively. A positive overall growth in the macroeconomic environment of India projects an increase in the central IT spending. For instance, central IT spending is expected to reach about $75.5 billion in 2010. This total spending will consist of civilian agencies accounting for $41.5 billion and the defense department for $34 billion on IT goods and services. Indian political structure seems to be stable for IT industry but due to lack of clear majority in the parliament, fears of hung parliament are created leading to the change of consumer psychology in relation to investing and thereby reducing the capital for IT industry. The decision of Indian government to contract IT job to Indian IT companies will create more opportunities for the IT companies and the IT industry at large. With the growth of offshore outsourcing receiving increasing political and media attention there have been concerted efforts to enact new legislation to restrict offshore outsourcing or impose disincentives on companies which have been outsourcing. This may adversely impact Wipros ability to do business in these jurisdictions and c